1800 419 8722

Knowlathon Training Feedback


Please assess your Instructor on below parameters.

Your feedback about Instructor Excellent Very Good Good Average Needs Improvement
Knowledge about the subject
Communication skills
Engagement of audience
Use of relevant examples
Time management
Answering queries and questions

Please assess how the Course was organized?

Your feedback about Course Excellent Very Good Good Average Needs Improvement Not Applicable
Sales communication and support
Payment and registration process
Study material and learning aids
Session punctuality
Virtual classroom platform and tools
Training Venue and logistics (if any)
Meals and refreshments (if any)

Overall Feedback about our service

Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Somewhat unsatisfied
Very unsatisfied

Please share any other Courses of your interest

Would you like to recommend us to your colleague

May we proudly feature you and your feedback on our website?