1800 419 8722

SIAM™ Foundation Training Course Features


  • Comprehensive Framework: SIAM Foundation offers a comprehensive framework and best practises for administering IT service providers in an environment with multiple vendors. It provides guidance on how to integrate and coordinate various service providers in order to deliver effective and seamless IT services to consumers.  


  • Vendor-Neutral Approach: SIAM Foundation uses a vendor-neutral approach, meaning that it is applicable to organisations regardless of the service providers and technologies they employ. This enables organisations to implement SIAM principles and practises independent of a specific vendor or technology. 


  • Enhanced Service Delivery: SIAM Foundation assists organisations in enhancing their service delivery capabilities by advising them on how to manage and govern multiple service providers effectively. It enables organisations to achieve improved service integration, coordination, and collaboration, leading to improved service quality and consumer satisfaction. 


  • Improved Governance: SIAM Foundation stresses the significance of governance structures and frameworks in service provider management. It offers guidance on establishing effective governance mechanisms, delineating duties and responsibilities, and monitoring and measuring performance to ensure compliance with service agreements and attain desired results. 


  • Flexibility and Scalability: SIAM Foundation provides adaptability and scalability, enabling organisations to customise the SIAM methodology to their specific requirements and to extend it according to the size and complexity of their IT environment. It accommodates businesses with disparate service providers, technologies, and business needs. 


  • Career Advancement: Obtaining the SIAM Foundation certification improves the employment outlook for service management, IT governance, and IT outsourcing professionals. It demonstrates their knowledge and skill in service integration and administration, making them valuable assets for organisations implementing SIAM. 


Learning objectives


Understanding SIAM Principles and Concepts:  

  • Understand the key concepts, principles, and advantages of Service Integration and Management (SIAM).  
  • Understand the SIAM ecosystem, its constituents, and the roles and responsibilities that exist within it. 
  • Discover the challenges and success factors associated with implementing SIAM.

Knowledge of SIAM Implementation:  

  • Comprehend the phases and activities required to implement SIAM. 
  • Discover how to create a SIAM strategy and business case. 
  • Obtain an understanding of the necessary governance structures and frameworks for SIAM implementation. 

Familiarity with SIAM Processes:  

  • Acquire an understanding of the essential SIAM ecosystem processes, including Service Catalog Management, Service Level Management, and Supplier Management. 
  • Comprehend the Incident and Problem Management processes in an environment with multiple vendors. 
  • Understanding the Change Management and Service Integration processes is essential. 

Integration and Coordination Techniques:  

  • Master techniques of integration and coordination for administering multiple service providers. 
  • Comprehend how to establish effective channels of communication and collaboration in a SIAM environment. 
  • Gain an understanding of service integration models and methodologies. 

SIAM Practices and Tools:  

  • Investigate the practises and methods SIAM employs to attain service excellence and customer satisfaction. 
  • Recognize the significance of automation and monitoring capabilities within the SIAM ecosystem. 
  • Gain familiarity with the SIAM implementation tools and technologies. 

Governance and Performance Management:  

  • Learn about SIAM environment governance structures, duties, and responsibilities. 
  • Learn how to measure and report performance in a SIAM environment. 
  • Recognize the significance of continuous improvement and customer fulfilment within SIAM. 


Target audience  


All individuals from beginner – senior level, who are responsible and accountable for the management of IT Services in any organisation and most commonly include the below (but not limited to) designations: 

  • IT Service Managers 

  • Service Integration Managers 

  • Service Level Managers 

  • Service Desk Managers 

  • IT Professionals Involved in Outsourcing 

  • IT Governance Professionals 

  • IT Consultants and Service Providers




Exam and Certification information 

Exam Details: 


  • No. of Questions: 40 

  • Exam Duration: 60  minutes 

  • Exam Format: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) 

  • Pass Marks: 26 out of 40 (65%) 

  • Exam Type: Closed Book 


Certification Journey 


Course Outline

Introduction to SIAM
  • Understanding the need for Service Integration and Management (SIAM) 
  • Key concepts, definitions, and principles of SIAM 
  • Benefits and challenges of implementing SIAM
SIAM Implementation Roadmap
  • The ITIL SVS - The Framework Structure 
  • Benefits of the ITIL Framework
SIAM Governance
  • Governance structures and frameworks for effective SIAM implementation 
  • Roles and responsibilities of the SIAM function and other key stakeholders 
  • Performance measurement and reporting in a SIAM environment
SIAM Processes
  • Key processes in the SIAM ecosystem, such as Service Catalog Management, Service Level Management, and Supplier Management  
  • Change Management and Service Integration processes  
  • Incident and Problem Management in a multi-vendor environment 
Integration and Collaboration
  • Integration and coordination techniques for managing multiple service providers  
  • Communication and collaboration practices in a SIAM environment 
  • Service integration models and approaches
SIAM Tools and Technology
  • Tools and technology used in SIAM implementation  
  • Automation and monitoring capabilities in a SIAM ecosystem 
  • Integration of IT service management tools with SIAM
SIAM and Other Frameworks
  • Relationship between SIAM and other frameworks, such as ITIL and Agile 
  • Integration of SIAM with other frameworks and methodologies
SIAM Foundation Sample Paper Discussions
  • SIAM Foundation Sample Paper Discussions 
  • Q&A 

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